Thursday, September 30, 2010

Special Startup Offer!

To help jumpstart things I am going to make a very special, one time only offer and only to the first five people who email me.  Here's the offer:  I will come to your home and clean all the windows of your house for only $25.00.  This includes removing the screen and cleaning it on both sides, inside and outside of all the windows and thoroughly cleaning the sill and frame.  This is the complete package for only 25 bucks no matter the size of the house!

Why would I do this?  In getting this business started, I need references to show other people.  Word of mouth is always the best and hardest form of advertising to get.  I may use a picture of your house or a good quote from you in my other advertising.  I know that once people see what a difference professionally cleaned windows make they will tell their friends and that all adds up to more business for me.

There is no catch.  No hidden costs or anything else to pay (although there is sales tax on top of that for a whopping grand total of $27.06) and there is no contract real or implied.  I can only afford to do this for the first five people who email me so (read this in your best announcer voice) "be the first one on your block". 

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