Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How clean, Todd?

People who have never had their windows cleaned professionally invariably fail to understand why they should pay money for something they can do themselves.  Conversely, it is very clear (get it, clear?) to people who have paid a professional to clean their windows why they should do so every six to twelve months.  I hear people say all the time that they just use Windex and a rag and it works great.  Why should they hire somebody to do that?  Let me explain.

Under a microscope, you can see that glass is not smooth at all.  It has millions of tiny bumps, undulations and crevices not unlike the moon's surface.  Each of those bumps reflects light differently.  Using a rag, one cannot remove all the water from the surface of the glass in each of those crevices and that water reflects differently and at all angles causing a slight "filmy" look to appear.  It is also very difficult to remove all the streaks that even Windex leaves behind without using a squeegee.

Add to that the fact that professionals such as myself use special steel wool on the outside especially and also clean the screen and window tracks and sills on a typical cleaning.  Using special techniques and the right equipment make all the difference when you want more than "pretty clean".

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