Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I can't pronounce it but their windows are clean.

I gave this gentleman an excellent deal on cleaning his windows and I have to say I did an excellent job.  I scrubbed all the windows and on the outside I went back over it with real fine steel wool and then made sure there were no streaks from top to bottom.  I got the adhesive residue off the door and above the door as well and cleaned up from where the last guy tried to clean them.  It was a job I was proud of and so I tried to tell the owner but as so often happens there was a language barrier.  He didn't understand "adhesive", in fact, he might not have understood "door" but that's okay.  If my name is on the work it will be done right and at least my blog friends will know that even if the owner doesn't fully appreciate it.  The food smelled good, though, so he's doing what he is supposed to do.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Todd, your business, website, and your blog look GREAT! I wish I lived in F.W. instead of Houston, my windows really need your expertise.

